Do You Grind Your Teeth?

Do you have a sore jaw when you wake up? Teeth grinding, also called bruxism, is a common condition in which a person clenches or grinds their teeth while they sleep. While the cause of the condition is not always clear, the effects can be uncomfortable, including jaw pain, tooth damage, and headaches.

There is no cure for bruxism, most medical providers recommend night guards to help limit overnight grinding and clenching and their associated consequences. It’s also important to practice meditation and other healthy routines or habits to reduce anxiety and stress.

While some users find relief from a night guard, they’re not right for everyone. If you think you may be grinding your teeth at night, give us a call so we can evaluate the problem and provide treatment options.

Causes and Symptoms of Teeth Grinding

Most of the common symptoms include jaw soreness, dull headaches, painful or lose teeth, and fractured teeth.

While the exact causes of teeth grinding are not entirely clear, most reasons relate to stress or misalignment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do you clean a mouthguard?

The best way to clean a mouthguard is to rinse and brush it daily. Since toothpaste can be abrasive, some require gentler cleaning agents. We can give you recommendations on what to use.

Since mouthguards also typically require regular deep cleanings, you can usually use a non-abrasive denture cleaner, mouthwash, or hydrogen peroxide. Be careful to follow the cleaning instructions provided with your mouthguard and by Dr. T at your appointment to keep your device clean without damaging it.

How do mouthguards work?

Nightguards act as a barrier between your teeth to provide a layer of cushioning to relieve pressure. The mouthguard fits over your upper or lower teeth to prevent contact and protect tooth enamel.

Do I wear a mouthguard on my upper or lower teeth?

Sleepers may wear an upper or lower mouthguard depending on their personal preferences and our recommendations. Your comfort and protection are a priority so we take that into consideration.

Let us know if you are having these symptoms and you are interested in finding a solution!