Top 5 Reasons to use a Tongue Cleaner

Tongue Cleaner

Tongue scraping is a fast way to remove debris, bacteria, and dead cells can build up on your tongue over time. This can lead to bad breath and have a negative impact on your overall oral health.

Using a tongue scraper can help remove this buildup, as well as:

  • Improve your sense of taste. Your tongue may be able to better distinguish between bitter, sweet, salty, and sour sensations if you use a tongue cleaner daily.

  • Improve the appearance of your tongue. Buildup of excess debris can cause your tongue to take on a white, coated appearance. Daily scraping removes this coating and prevent it from returning.

  • Remove bacteria. Lactobacilli bacteria in the mouth is known to cause bad breath and dental decay. Removing this bacteria improves your breath and protects your teeth from decay.

  • Improve overall health. Removing bad bacteria is key to preventing cavities, gum disease, and other conditions affecting the mouth and body.

  • Reduce bad breath. Scraping your tongue is more effective than brushing at removing odor-causing bacteria.

We recommend using the Dr. Tung’s stainless steel tongue cleaner. You can order it on Amazon or at the practice!